Submit your dog's photo

Want to show off your dog to the world? Then send us your dog's photo for inclusion in our Breed Profiles!
Any type of pic is welcome, providing the photo is of reasonably good quality and does a fair job of representing its breed. We look for various types of photos, close-ups, action shots, of dogs working, lazing, or doing whatever your breed of dog does best! Just send us your favourites, or what you think other prospective owners would like to see.
If your dog is of show standard and the photo is of your dog in the classic side-facing 'show' pose, it may bag pride of place as the photo in the 'fact-file' area at the top of the breed profile page, representing your breed to millions of people all over the world! This spot is usually reserved for professionally taken photos - but if you think yours is good enough, send it in - we might agree!
If you have more than one photo (or more than one breed) feel free to send us further images at any time. If you have a website or online photo account from which you'd prefer us to choose one or more photos, just include the link with your submission and we'll take a look.
To submit your photo, just register on our Dog Forum and follow the instructions in this thread :-)
Note: By submitting your photograph to Breedia, you grant unlimited non-exclusive rights to use or reproduce it on this website, however copyright of the photograph remains yours.