Shar Pei photos

Below are photos of the Shar Pei submitted to us by users of Breedia. Thank you for all your submissions. To submit your own photo, just click here.

Shar Pei
Huey, owned by Lisa Guilbeau in Sudbury Ontario, Canada

Sweet little Huey at 6 months, loves to run!

Shar Pei
Georgina, owned by Barbara Bond in Miskolc, Hungary

Here is my latest bundle of joy, Phanatic Hungary Georgina (age 12 weeks in this picture). Shar-Pei are one of the easiest breeds to train as they are naturally obedient. They are also very intuitive dogs who with gentle handling grow to understand their owners better than their owners understand themselves. They're an excellent choice for anyone wanting a dog who's a faithful friend, companion and confidante and always by your side when needed.

Shar Pei
Missy, owned by Faava Vaofusi in Brisbane, Australia

Missy is a playful pup (12 weeks old in this photograph), our kids adore her. She stays inside and will stand at the door when she needs to go do her business. She doesn't enter the boys room and guards the house when we go to church. We are happy to have her as part of our family.

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